

Vinröd, bordeaux, rödbrun, hallon – Midnatts mörkröda sängkläder kan beskrivas på många sätt. Vi kallar den Rubra, vilket betyder rött på latin. Den mörkröda nyansen får ett mjukt, lite mättat utseende tack vare det stentvättade ekologiska bomullstyget. Rubra kan matchas med alla andra färger i vår kollektion men är särskilt förtjust i att bäddas tillsammans med produkter i vår rosa färg Wilted eller khakigröna Bosco.

Mer inspiration

What to do when staying at home

Spending more time at home calls for distraction. When social distancing keeps us from gathering in real life we have to bring the cultural events…

Louisa Hammarbäck

First up in our new series is Louisa Hammarbäck, one of Midnatt’s two founders, who snapped some shots while working from her kitchen, letting her kids’…

Sebastian Bergström

Stepping into stylist Sebastian Bergström’s morning macrocosm means: listening to French playlists, drinking coffee from a ”cafetière” and reading about…

Marion Ringborg

Marion Ringborg is one of the talented chefs behind the trending restaurant Garba, previously known as a loved pop-up concept run by female chefs only…

Micis & Clara – Part III

Even vacation season can be stressful. So many flea markets to visit, swims to enjoy, friends to see…and the list goes on. In the third recipe in our summer breakfast series…

Ida Lauga

In the first chapter, we get to listen to Astrid Lindgren’s bedtime reading and eat leftover dessert for breakfast with one of our favorite stylists Ida Lauga and her kids…

Spiritual guide to better sleep – Part I

To start 2020 (and the new decade!) in the softest, possible way, we’ve created a series focusing on slowing down, recharging our mental batteries and get sweeter sleep…

Spiritual guide to better sleep – Part III

In the third part of our spiritual guide, we take part in yin yoga instructor, Reiki healer, and our friend Rosanna Irgensdotter’s thoughts on accessible everyday meditations…