

Våra bruna sängkläder i signaturfärgen Dromedary är tidlösa. Den perfekta ljusbruna nyansen påminner om solblekt terrakotta, den sandbruna pälsen på en kamel eller varför inte en hemmagjord sockerkaka precis innan den är färdiggräddad. Dromedary passar fint ihop med alla andra färger i Midnatts sortiment.

Mer inspiration

Fanny Schultz

This weekend, we jump in bed, read about cats, and eat croissants with Inez, 2, and the dog Harry. We also talk to their illustrator and artist-mom Fanny Schultz about…

Josephine Blix

This time we are sneaking around behind the curtains of Midnatt’s co-founder Josephine Blix, learning how to nest from a tiny master of coziness and…

Karin Eriksson

Late night swims, facial yoga, swiss rolls and grandpa’s hotel brekkie. We were lucky enough to invite ourselves over to the idyllic cabin by…

Siri Barje

You might know her as Olive Hummer on Instagram. Her real name is Siri Barje – queen of wild, green easy peasy food. No lousy diets, painful detoxes or…

Julia Glanzelius

Julia Glanzelius is the inspiring garden architect behind the prodigious Instagram account Glanzelius Garden. She lives in Ålsten, Bromma with her husband…

Micis & Clara – Part IV

It’s time for part four in our summer series of breakfast trays. As you probably know by now, we teamed up with Micis and Clara Öhrn to squeeze the best breakfast recipes out of their hands…

Linda Ring

Thanks to artisanal bread artist Linda Ring we’ve just realized that bread can be so much more than just… breakfast. It can be a piece of art, something you can…

Marina Peterson

Former Midnatt co-worker Marina Peterson is a real treasure hunter. With a tremendous talent to find the perfect objects she turned her small nook south of Stockholm into a…