När färgföretaget Beckers frågade om vi ville bidra med textilier till tre stämningsfulla miljöer målade i produktserien Mood, svarade vi gladeligen ja!

Jessica Hallbäck
Food before cleaning and cuddles as a weekend routine! We asked expressive writer and socially critical street artist, Jessica Hallbäck, to share some snaps from her weekly patterns around this beautiful mess called life.

Bästa sänglamporna
På listan finns praktiska vägglampor för läsning, vackra bordslampor och andra kreativa belysningsidéer. Dom bästa sänglamporna vi kunde hitta helt enkelt.

Angelica Svanström
Mediterranean lover and master mood creator Angelica Svanström invited us over for breakfast in the self-realized limestone palace of hers.

Our 2021 Christmas card collaboration
We are so proud to present this years Christmas card illustrator; Marta Leyva. It is a fond tradition for us to collaborate with a new artist every year and create a special treat for our customers.

Rachel Bodros Wolgers
Nestled between apartment buildings in central Stockholm, you can find small 18th-century wooden houses with gardens; we call them Kulturhus (culture houses). Film producer Rachel Bodros Wolgers just moved back to her childhood home with her own family, and we got to visit.

Josefine Halfwordson
Sunflower seeds are planted, the floor is painted pink, and the shelf systems revolutionize an industry! In the house of Josefine Halfwordson…

On set with Aster & Lake
Midnatt’s ss21 color drop arrived with the first days of Swedish summer, and we couldn’t be more excited! Meet – Aster & Lake.